Meta Tags Analyzer

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About Meta Tags Analyzer

About Mega Taga Analyser

Meta Tag Analyzer is a free to use tool provided by CheckSERP, to check and analyze a webpage's meta tags. Leave the correct and appropriate usage of meta tags behind, inspect and analyze the webpages of your competitor's or a website yourself own is important and essential to improve your ranks in search engines. Our meta tag analyzer tool will perform a full scan of the target URL's meta tags and give out a score on each of the key items.

Although no matter how you set your website's meta tags won't affect the way how your pages display, they are playing an important role on how search engines and social medias judge your website. Plenty of vital information is passed by them.

You may have already spent lots of efforts to improve your website, then the meta tags are the part that you should never ignore. In contrast, this is the part that should be the top things in your list, after your content is finished. Especially the tags like title, description and robots.

Among all of the common seen meta tags, two of the most important are the title and description. They're displayed as it is by search engines in SERPs at most of the time. How you set your title and description will decide if a user would click your link in search results. Therefore writing high quality title and description meta is important in optimizing your webpages.

What does a mega tag analyser do?

Our proficient analyzer will be quite helpful for you when it comes to analyze a webpage's meta tag performance, whether it is from your competitor's or your own. It will analyze if the target URL contains all the necessary meta tags, and if they're correctly written, at the end, it will give detailed suggestions for each of the analyzed tags.

How Does Our Meta Tag Analyzer Work?

As a part of the upfront work, you first need to either generate your meta tags by a such kind of tool, or write it by your own hand. Then it comes to the part of meta tag analyzing. All you need to do is input the target URL you want to analyze, then click the "Analyze Meta Tag" button. Our tool will start checking it for you. Within seconds a full report including the title, description, keywords, robots tags will be displayed.

By using our powerful meta tag analyzer tool, your questions about the quality of your meta tags will be answered in seconds, by simply one click.

Then What's Included in the Report?

Title: The first item to be scanned is always the title of your page. It is the most important part that can never be ignored. Our analyzer will check its length and detect if it meets the requirements. If it's too long, the instruction message will be in red color, and showing both the actual length and the recommended length of your meta title tag. So that you can make necessary improvements.

Description: This is the next tag to be analyzed. You should write tidy and attractive meta description for your webpage. Different description results much different click through rate (CTR). You won't like the fact that users skip your link in results page, just because your description is boring or useless. Keep your description between 50 - 160 characters is the best practice.

Keywords: It's not the early days of Internet, the meta keywords tag has already been ignored by almost all search engines. It's suggested to not set this tag any more.

Robots: By using the robots directive, you tell search engines if they should index your webpage or not. You can just leave out this tag if you need your webpage indexed, because this is the default behavior of search engines.

Viewport: Mobile-friendly is one of the goal you should achieve if you want to win the rank race, therefore you should not ignore this tag for your webpage.

Meta Tag Analyzer Provided by CheckSERP

Meta tag analyzer provided to you by CheckSERP is a powerful and easy to use online tool, it checks the target page and tells you everything about its meta tags. This is a 100% free to use tool. You even don't need to register or log in to use our service. Therefore you can access our tool anywhere.

By using our analyzer tool, you will have clear ideas about your meta tags. So that you can correct the weaknesses of your webpage. You can also use this tool inspect your competitor's webpage.