XML Sitemap Generator

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About XML Sitemap Generator

Introduction to XML generator

XML Generator is a tool that can define and generate a massive set of XML Documents based on XSD (Schema Definition). The generated XML file is customized according to user preferences and provides a valid and well-formed XML. The generator takes input as an element that is defined within an XSD. The Data values are defined in the schema.


  1. Has an ability to import XML document Structure either manually or by XSD.
  2. Defines and combines an XML structure into a single Output format.
  3. Good Comfortness feature for Project design. Offers a powerful data Generation engine for data Creation.
  4. Has Good Flexibility in customizing the XML document by handling elements groups and repeating elements.

XML generator

Coming to the end of this article, we have enjoyed learning the generation of XML documents and also understood their usages and concepts. This tool is powerful in Accelerating XML development by allowing existing XML Schema to efficiently generate instance documents.